In 2012, all2gethernow organized again the a2n Werkstatt, conference and festival for musicians, addressing musicans’ questions navigating music business, music scenes and music culture. The a2n Werkstatt took place in September 2012 in collaboration with, and in the building where the noisy Musicworld was then located on Warschauer Str. in Berlin Friedrichshain. At the time, many of the loft like space in the building were empty. all2gethernow moved in with the a2n Factory and turned the empty spaces into a colorful and vibrant discussion and music space for two days.

The a2n Werkstatt included public coaching sessions, where artists discussed new works in public, an entire room and day on the topic of synch and collaborating with moving image, a one day workshop on crowdfunding where musicians could work out their campaign, and many workshops on all kinds of different topics. Check out the documentation of the a2n Werkstatt (in German) and the programme for detailed infos. Also, check out the three different foto galleries: fotos 1, fotos 2, fotos 3.